Location on Queens Campus: Inside Newman Hall, vestibule to the left.
About the statue: There is not much known or information to be found about the statue itself. It was once a part of the Lourdes chapel but was moved to Newman Hall once the chapel closed. It shows St. Jean Gabriel Perboyre as he is martyred.
Symbolism: Jean Gabriel Perboyre was a French Vincentian priest who became a missionary in China. Perboyre traveled to China in the year 1835. He began teaching the Chinese about Jesus and Catholicism when persecution of Christians broke out in the province. He was arrested and tortured but never renounced his faith. He was martyred on September 11, 1840.
Much like my other symbol of social justice and the pursuit of life liberty and happiness, St. Thomas More, St. Jean Gabriel Perboyre died upholding his faith. Jean Gabriel sought to bring Christianity to the people of China so that they may know Christ’s teaching and practice the religion themselves. It is the right and pursuit of life, liberty and happiness to be able to choose what religion to practice and what to believe in.