Location on Queens Campus: Behind St. Thomas More Church in the “peace garden”.
About the Peace Pole: The peace pole was dedicated at St. John’s University in 2006. It is made out of wood and has the phrase “may peace prevail on earth” written in different languages on it. It is one of 250,000 peace poles throughout the world that represent "the hopes and dreams of the entire human family for peace in the world. It stands as a silent prayer and a reminder to all to pray for peace."
Symbolism: Pope Paul VI once said 'If you want peace, work for justice.'" The peace pole at St. John’s University as well as its counterparts throughout the world tells reminds us that every human life as the right to live their life in peace and free from war and conflict. In this day and age where there is so much fighting in the name of religion, the peace pole stands as a monument to all people in every race and religion who work for peace.